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The spacedesk SDK (Software Development Kit) for Windows 10 enables easy and convenient development of solutions for virtual and physical displays.


– Virtual WDDM IddCx Indirect Display Driver (UMDF)
– Virtual HID Keyboard and Touchscreen Driver (UMDF)
– Virtual Mouse Driver (KMDF)
– Image encoding software for Windows
– Network protocol software for Windows, iOS and Android
– Image decoding and rendering software for Windows, iOS and Android


Best in Class Code — spacedesk SDK provides all the infrastructure needed to demonstrate a fully functional WDDM Indirect Display. Starting with this code, developers can add their specific customization (such as count monitors supported, resolutions supported, image processing and encoding, etc.) which differentiates the specific product and provides unique added value.

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Easy to understand samples that can be used as a starting point to develop a complete product.

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One-time License Fee – NO Royalties. In addition to the broad terms of licensure, spacedesk SDK is licensed for a one-time fee. Products incorporating it my be shipped to end users anywhere in the world without royalties.